Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let me just Ramble!

SO, What I think is that we can over complicate this life so easily. We can examine our hearts and our motives; we can dissect and end up amputating limbs of ourselves as a result of all of our endless self-probing. God has a purpose and a specific job for you, and if you are willing and obedient...HE WILL SEE IT THROUGH!! No matter what! Do we think we can stand in God's way? If you have His heart, and you know that even if you have selfish motives sometimes or don't understand where you are in life, if you know in your heart you DESIRE God's heart, you will have it. Because God gives us our desires. Desire His heart and His eyes. See people as He saw them. Every person has a story, how are you going to impact that story? Even if in the most minute way, will you plant a seed of hope? Will you hold back the name of Jesus? If you are too concerned on getting yourself will miss a chance to plant that seed. If you wait for perfect conditions in yourself, you will never do a thing for God. Just keep His word and His promise alive in your spirit, and remember He is the perfecter of your faith! He loves you, He created you to love you and be loved by you. It is so simple. It's something we can't earn or deserve. That's only a part of why He is so good!! His love is simple, but it is huge. And that covers everything, every reason we can think of...His love covers it. Stop thinking and just live it, love it.

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